
Upcoming Classes & Events for 2025


Class sizes are limited, register promptly to reserve your space.


Classes open to all levels of experience.


A portion of proceeds from all services, classes and programs are donated to support environmental sustainability and social justice, and in particular to the Heartwalk Foundation that supports education, health care, and cultural sustainability for the Q'ero tribe of Peru.

Love Over Fear - Collective Healing and Meditation Event

We are coming together, along with other groups of lightworkers and healers, to create a giant wave of love that will wrap around everyone, everywhere—including the Earth itself. This collective energy is designed to calm fear, eliminate anger, and elevate our purpose to serve the greater good.

Join us in collective prayer and meditation on Zoom to create a wave of collective love, unity and healing to support the greatest and highest good of all during this time of intense change, challenge and uncertainty.

The goal? To blast the world with love!

Everyone is invited to be a part of this healing wave. No barriers.

Join us in spreading this incredible wave of love. Together, we make it bigger and stronger.

March 26, 2025


Online on Zoom

Contact Deana to register

Hosted by Deana Paqua

No cost; however, we recommend making an affordable donation to a cause supporting the greater good.

Basic Level Integrated Energy Therapy® Certification Training


Prerequisites : This is our entry-level class and there are no prerequisites required for attendance at this class.


Description : Even though we call this class “basic level” this class provides you with everything you need to do a powerful Integrated Energy Therapy® session on yourself or on another person (either in person or absentee). This class has been designed to be a wonderful entry level class for those students wanting to use energy therapy to heal their lives, an ideal class for students wanting to begin an energy therapy practice, and it provides a wonderful complement to other holistic techniques such as Massage, Reiki, and Therapeutic Touch. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.


Basic Attunement : You will receive a special Basic Level “energy attunement” that will permanently open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic level ray. Our Basic Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 1st pair (physical) and 2nd pair (emotional) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Basic Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to clear cellular memory of physical and emotional blockages.


Angelic Heartlinks : Integrated Energy Therapy® is known as “Healing with the Energy of Angels”. You will learn to access the energy of angels through a simple yet powerful process that we call a Heartlink.

Clearing Cellular Memory : you will learn about the nine cellular memory areas where we can unconsciously store “issues in our tissues” that can negatively affect our life. More importantly, you will learn simple yet powerful techniques to get the issues out of your tissues (as well as out of the tissues of others). Clearing of cellular memory is made quick and easy by means of nine sets of Integrated Energy Therapy® Integration Points that allow you to energize, integrate, and clear the nine cellular memory areas.


Special Empowerment Imprints : In Integrated Energy Therapy® clearing harmful energy blocks is only half the task. After energy blocks are cleared, you will learn to channel angelic energy to form an empowerment imprint that fills the cellular memory with the opposite of what you cleared. For example, you will learn to clear the energy of guilt and imprint the energy of innocence.


Class Length : 1 day (approx. 7.5 hours). This class is designed to be taught in one day, and typically runs from 10:00AM to 5:00 PM.


Class Materials : you will receive a fully illustrated 26 page Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level Guide and an official Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level Certificate.


Class Fee : $250 for group classes



March 30, 2025

Tuition is $250

At the Angel Cooperative

51 Ethan Allen Highway

Ridgefield, CT

(203) 431-2959

Or visit this link to register, just scroll down to the date

Intermediate Level Integrated Energy Therapy® Training class


Prerequisites : Completion of the Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level class is required for attendance at this class.


Description : This class is the next step in our Integrated Energy Therapy® training system and it builds on all of the knowledge and techniques learned in our Basic Level training. Our Intermediate Level training expands upon both the depth and the breadth of the Basic Level techniques through the Intermediate Attunement (which opens you to clear mental and karmic imprints) and through the special Integrated Energy Therapy® pullout-release technique that lets you clear imprints from the human energy field. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.


Intermediate Attunement : You will receive a special Intermediate Level “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Intermediate Level ray. Our Intermediate Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 3rd pair (mental) and 4th pair (karmic) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Intermediate Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to pull physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints out of the human energy field.


Clearing The Human Energy Field : You will learn the special Integrated Energy Therapy® pullout-release technique that will turn your hands into “energy magnets” that will allow you to easily attract and clear harmful energy imprints from the human energy field. This will allow you to clear even more difficult energy blockages. As part of this training, you will also be taught to feel and interpret energy blockages and identify the level (physical, emotional, mental, or karmic) that the energy blockages occur. You will also learn the special “pink bubble technique” that will further accelerate the clearing process.


Class Materials : You will receive a fully illustrated 26 page Integrated Energy Therapy® Intermediate Level Guide and an official Integrated Energy Therapy® Intermediate Level Certificate.


Class Fee : $325 for group class



April 13, 2025

Tuition is $325

At the Angel Cooperative

51 Ethan Allen Highway

Ridgefield, CT

(203) 431-2959

Or visit this link to register, just scroll down to the date

Annual Holistic Shamanic Practitioner Program starts October 2025

A Foundational Program in Contemporary and Core Shamanism, Andean Energy Medicine and Mesa Building


Ideal for Reiki practitioners, nurses, counselors, yoga teachers and other holistic practitioners.

  • Take your skills as an energy healer and Reiki practitioner to the next level. Learn new tools, techniques, rituals and practices from Contemporary Shamanism, Andean Mysticism and ancestral healing and energetic practices. All shared with permission and respect.

  • You will create a solid foundation for your own spiritual and energetic practices that brings it all together holistically.

  • Boost your confidence, intuition, connection to your spirit guides, angels and ancestors, and ability to help more clients more effectively, and support your own healing process and soul's mission.

This course is offered both in-person and with live Zoom (+recordings) online virtual participation.

Program will run for 13 months, meeting together one Saturday per month (either in person or via Zoom).

  • We will then schedule a short interview, and then the prospective student submits a letter of interest and application first, so we can see if this is a good fit for you at this time.

  • Payment of the registration fee confirms your registration. All 3 steps must be completed to finalize your registration. 

Go here for complete program description and details.

apply now
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