There are many folks out there teaching Reiki, and at this point, there are many different styles of Reiki. The most important thing is to do your research and see what resonates for you, along with finding a trusted and qualified practitioner. Deana teaches a combination of original Japanese Reiki techniques from Mikao Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki, teachings of Hawayo Takata who brought Reiki to the U.S. in the 1930's and Tibetan healing elements that were incorporated into the Reiki system by William Lee Rand. Deana has been a Reiki practitioner for 22 years, and has performed Reiki in schools, hospitals, healing centers, doctors offices, private homes, and more...
Available one-on-one, or in small groups by request. Contact Deana for more information or to schedule.
Reiki refreshers for existing practitioners are available in private sessions; $150 per hour; minimum 2-hour class. You will need to supply your certificates from your previous training courses.
Mikao Usui, Founder of the Usui System of Reiki
Usui Reiki Level I:
Reiki is a simple method of hands-on healing that originated in Japan. Reiki is a gentle but powerful way to access pure, spiritually guided life-force energy for self-healing, stress and pain relief. Reiki supports physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and complements conventional medical treatment and alternative therapies. It is easy to learn and use for self, others and pets/animals. In the Reiki I class, students receive information about what Reiki is, how it works, the history of Reiki, how to do a self-treatment, traditional Japanese Reiki practices from Mikao Usui, and full body treatment session for others. Students also receive an "attunement" which is a sacred ritual that passes on the ability to access Reiki energy for healing self and others. A detailed manual and certificate of completion are provided for each student. Reiki I is open to all; no experience is necessary. This class is a prerequisite for learning other levels of Reiki.
10am-4pm, $275 for group classes; $325 for private class.
Contact Deana to register. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a bag lunch.
Payment can be made here .
Enter appropriate amount for private or group class.
Usui Reiki Level II:
Reiki II provides a deeper understanding of the healing power of Reiki. Students are shown how to use Reiki to heal others from a distance so that you can help friends, family, others and the planet no matter where you live. Learn to heal mental/emotional and spiritual imbalances more effectively. Learn more about the Chakra system and the mental/emotional component of healing from an energetic perspective. Gain access to sacred symbols for making Reiki treatments more powerful. Students also receive the second level Reiki attunement, pertinent information and certificate of completion.
10am-4pm, $375 for group classes; $425 for private classes,
contact Deana to register. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a bag lunch.
Payment can be made here.
Enter appropriate amount for private or group class.
Usui Reiki III/Master Level:
Take your Reiki practice to the next level. Receive and work with the master level Reiki symbols to empower yourself and your healing abilities. Learn to teach and pass on Reiki attunements for all levels of Reiki, how to start your practice and what to include in each class. A powerful class for those who wish to have a stronger connection to Reiki and for those looking to teach. Manuals and certificate of completion are provided for each student. Prerequisites are Reiki I and II classes with Deana or other certified Reiki Master teachers.
10am-5pm for two days, $750 per person for group classes, $825 for private class,
contact Deana to register. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a bag lunch.
Payment can be made here.
Enter appropriate amount for private or group class.
Quan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion from the Buddhist tradition
Karuna Reiki® Master Training - The Reiki of Compassionate Action with Deana Paqua
July 22 & 23, 2023;
Offered in-person; location TBA; it will be in the Danbury/New Milford, CT area
10-5pm for two days, cost: $777 for group class; $888 for private class; spots are limited to 10 participants,
Two-payment option available for 2 payments of $397
This class is for anyone who has had Usui Reiki Master training. It is complete with two levels, two attunements, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. Karuna Reiki® helps to heal on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded. In addition, practitioners report a deeper connection to their spirit guides, angels and other ascended beings. Karuna Reiki® is a powerful therapy to include in your practice as along with traditional Reiki and other forms of energy healing and bodywork. Karuna Reiki is a powerful energy healing system that connects with the sacred and divine feminine, and the energy of compassion. Some feel that it aligns with the energy of Quan Yin, the Buddhist goddess of Compassion. Working with Karuna now and going forward will give you more tools to help yourself and others shift stuck energy, transform trauma, heal past life issues, manifest goals, bless and clear energy from spaces, and feel more grounded and focused.
Both levels of Karuna Reiki® and both attunements will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all twelve symbols. You will be able to teach all four levels of Karuna Reiki®, two practitioner levels and two master levels after taking this class. Practice time is included for giving treatments, using the symbols and for learning and the attunement processes. We will also be doing a Reiki meditation to be aware of and heal the Shadow Self and using chanting and toning with Karuna Reiki®.
A certificate and a 45-page manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process.
To register, Contact Deana Paqua , at ; or text at 203-994-5045.
Submit appropriate payment to save your spot.
All payments must be made by July 10 to finalize registration.
Deana Paqua, MA, LMT is a Karuna® and Usui Reiki Master, Teacher and Practitioner of Cross-Cultural Energy Medicine and Contemporary Shamanism, Adjunct Professor at WCSU in Danbury, CT and a healing arts practitioner for 25 years. She brings down-to-earth wisdom, hard-won life experience, in addition to many years of training and education in the holistic health field to her healing and teaching work, and her main mission and passion is to serve as the humble teacher of great heroes.
Save here by paying in full. Submit payment here for regular registration $777:
Two payment option:
Deana Paqua, MA, LMT
Embody The Sacred®/
DPL Creative Solutions LLC
New Milford, CT
Deana Paqua and Embody the Sacred/DPL Creative Solutions, LLC are dedicated to equality, environmental and social justice. A portion of proceeds from all services, classes and programs are donated to support the Q'ero of Peru, Amazon Watch, American Forests and other important organizations supporting social and environmental justice, making this world a better place for all. *Sessions, classes and training do not replace conventional medical treatment, psychotherapy, or medication prescribed by your doctor. This work is also not crisis intervention or trauma resolution. Please see a qualified health care practitioner, therapist or physician for proper medical and psychological care.