
Munay Ki Rites, Rite of the Womb and Sami-Illumination Practitioner Training

Including the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki, the 13th Rite of the Womb, Nusta Empowerments, & Sami-Mesa Illumination Healing

This training meets for 9 classes from January 2023 - September 2023; the 2nd Saturday of the month.

  • The first 3 classes you will receive the 9 rites of the Munay Ki as a regular recipient; you will receive details about each rite and there will be exercises and Shamanic journeys to deepen each rite
  • The second 3 classes you will learn to give the 9 rites of the Munay Ki as a facilitator and practitioner and you will be able to present and give these rites to others
  • The remaining 3 classes you will receive and learn to give the 13th Rite of the Munay Ki - the Rite of the Womb and:
  • Empowerment of the 7 Andean Nustas, and class time to learn deeper Andean practices of Sami Illumination and Mesa work that you can do for yourself and others. We will also participate and facilitate fire ceremonies and other relevant Andean practices working with the elements, Pachamama and Shamanic journeying.

About the Munay Ki

The Munay-Ki are the nine contemporary rites of initiation based on the ancient ways of the medicine men and women of the Americas brought through and made available to all by Alberto Villoldo, of the Four Winds Society. The word munay means “I love you” or “BE AS THOU ART.” The Munay-Ki are the new energetic codes for us to evolve into the new human. Who we would be without fear and limitations of the ego, with a much greater connection to our spiritual origins. The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of integrity and responsibility for himself and the natural world.

The nine rites are common to many shamanic traditions, though the Munay Ki are more heavily based on the healing traditions of the Andes in South America. These are not Q'ero rites, though they are based on some of their teachings. and complement their traditional rites and healing methods.

If you choose to receive the Munay-Ki, your energy centers will become more clear and your energy field more balanced, which allows old beliefs, karmic patterns and trauma to be cleared on an energetic level. Helping to leave you with greater energy, clarity, insight, vitality and freedom to achieve your life’s purpose and to help transition our world into the age of peace. These rites are powerful, and each person responds differently to them. Through these rites you will gain a greater connection to mother earth, to the ancient lineage of healers and Earthkeepers, balance the sacred masculine and feminine within yourself, connect with angels and guardian spirits, and release patterns of limitation that inhibit your growth, purpose and happiness. Eventually, as you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation, these energy transmissions will then inform your DNA, giving it instructions on how to create a new body that will age, heal, and die differently. For more information, go to

The Munay Ki rites are open to everyone, no previous experience with energy healing, Reiki or shamanism necessary. Though they can be very powerful for seasoned healers and experienced shamanic practitioners as well, because of the powerful lineages connected to this wonderful system.

Munay Ki rites are offered in 3 sessions, of 3 rites (for the total of 9). The rites are offered as part of a sacred healing and teaching ceremony, with the opening of sacred space, history and teachings about each of the rites, sharing of the rites, and how to continue to empower them and work with their energies in daily life. All 9 rites are not offered/given in one day, no matter what the recipient's background or experience with shamanic or energy healing. There is no rush to the healing process or spiritual path or journey, it all unfolds in it's own time. It is best to give yourself a chance to integrate each set of 3 before receiving the next. Normally each session is spaced apart by 2-4 weeks to allow for integration.

About The 13th Rite, the Rite of the Womb

Through shamanic journey work, medicine songs, ceremony and other energy exercises, we will empower and support healing of our own connection to the Moon and Earth Goddess. We will learn how to release blocks to our intuition, creativity, sexuality, divinity and grace, and bring in Healing and Power directly from Pachamama, our Earth Goddess selves, and Grandmother Moon (Mama Killa). We will also offer and share the 13th Munay Ki rite. This will be a powerful evening of ceremony, healing, and empowerment. You may give and receive the 13th rite whether or not you have received the other 9 Munay Ki Rites. The 13th Rite is the Rite of the Womb: "The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life. This lineage of women through the jungle medicine has given us the 13th rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb. Let’s heal our womb; let’s heal our mother’s, sister’s, and daughter’s wombs. And in this way bring healing to our Mother Earth." For more information, go here:

Early bird registration by November 15, 2022; save $100 off the registration fee, for $197.
Regular registration due December 15, 2022 with a $297 non-refundable registration fee also due by December 15.

If you wish to pay in full for the course by December 15, you will just pay the course tuition fee of $1997 and no registration fee. All tuition payments are non-refundable.

A monthly payment plan will also be available.

Spots limited to 6 students.
Contact Deana to register through email or by phone 203-994-5045. Cost for this advanced program is $1997 (plus the registration fee). (This is not a pay per class option, it is a monthly payment subscription.) If a class is missed, a make-up may be scheduled and the cost is $225 for the private make-up class in addition to monthly tuition.

You will be asked to practice the rites and other techniques to receive a course certificate of completion.

Full Tuition option $1997:

Early bird registration fee $227:

Monthly Payment option (in addition to registration fee) $1997:

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