
Shamanic Practitioner Program Level 3

Level 3 Holistic Shamanic Practitioner Course (ONLY for graduates of the Level 2 program). This 9-month certification course begins January 8, 2022; and will run on the second Saturday of the month, from 10-5 through September, 2022. The course will be offered in a HYBRID format both on Zoom and in person while it is safe according to state Covid-19 guidelines.

This program will continue teachings from the Q'ero Tribe, the Andean traditions and Core Shamanism to strengthen and support your existing skill set as a practitioner of Contemporary Shamanism and the Andean mystical traditions. We will have time to review from our previous two programs some of the most powerful and important teachings, and add some additional amazing ceremonies, rites and teachings passed on from Deana, directly from the Q'ero to give you greater depth, understanding and connection to our beloved Pachamama and your personal team of helping spirits.

Course teachings and content will include:

  1. Reviewing important practices and deepening teachings of: soul retrieval, power animal and huaca retrieval, extraction and removal of various types of hucha and entities, curse and pattern breaking, initiating a new drum or rattle, or other sacred medicine piece, creating Despachos, meeting new spirit helpers, ancestral healing practices, and more. And how to put your techniques together in a client healing session along with Reiki and other techniques.
  2. Shamanic Death Rites (helping those getting ready to cross over make their transition with more grace and ease) - this process works in addition to the psychopomp work we learned of actually helping souls cross over at the time of death. Meaning it would come before an actual psychopomp practice. You will learn to support and help prepare a loved one or client preparing to transition. We will discuss and practice different techniques involved in this work, and also work on healing our own personal grief and facing our own mortality (fun stuff!). A powerful initiatory process for any Shamanic practitioner and a great gift to give to those making ready to leave the physical world. You will also receive guidance on additional healing tools such as creating sacred altars for your loved one, specific crystals and flower essences to work with to support this transcendent process.
  3. The Seven Rainbow Layers of Pachamama Q'ero teachings directly from Don Mariano Quispe Flores; we will learn the teachings and energetic support of each layer, how to connect with to each layer, deepening our connection to our Mother Earth, connecting with beings and healing properties in each layer and how to work with these aspects. This powerful wisdom will also deepen our effectiveness in clearing and transforming hucha, soul retrieval work, and working with core issues.
  4. The Q'otokuna Seven Rites of the Pleiades, teachings and empowerment on working with this ancestral star medicine from the Q'ero; deepening our work with our personal Star medicine and incorporating the wisdom, healing, and hucha cleansing from these teachings and transformation into our healing work with our Mesas and clients. We will also share and work with the Despacho as part of this training.
  5. The Seven Nusta Rites and teachings of these powerful female nature spirits from the Q'ero. You will receive seven powerful initations to the seven sacred feminine Nature Princesses of the Andes. You will learn about their healing gifts and learn to work with them directly. We will create Despachos and learn to work with and honor these powerful allies who balance the energies of the Masculine Apus and have their own incredible sacred gifts to share. We will also create a Nusta mesa to support and empower these rites.
  6. Medicine Bag: we will discuss and share about different types of medicine bags. You will create a personal medicine bag empowering an intention of your choosing. We will discuss how to put the bag together, bless and charge it for use, and what to include in the bag.

Early bird registration by December 1, 2021; save $100 off the registration fee, for $197.
Regular registration due December 30, 2021 with a $297 non-refundable registration fee also due by December 30.

If you wish to pay in full for the course by December 15, you will just pay the course tuition fee of $1777 and no registration fee. All tuition payments are non-refundable.

A monthly payment plan will also be available.

Spots limited to 6 students. Contact Deana to register through email or by phone 203-994-5045. Cost for this advanced program is $1777 (plus the registration fee). (This is not a pay per class option, it is a monthly payment subscription.) If a class is missed, a make-up may be scheduled and the cost is $225 for the private make-up class in addition to monthly tuition.

There will be required readings, journal work and hands-on practice sessions for completion of the course.

Early bird registration fee $197:

Regular registration fee: $297

Full tuition fee:

Monthly Subscription Payment Plan:

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