
Holistic Shamanic Practitioner Program Level 2: A Year of Sacred Ceremony & Shamanic Practice

This program is open only for those who have completed at least level one of the Holistic Shamanic Practitioner Course.

This one year  (12-month) program begins January 11, 2025; and will run on the second Saturday of the month, from 10-5 through December, 2025. The course will be offered in a HYBRID format both on Zoom and in person, with recordings provided of each class, along with handouts and other materials as needed.

This program will be a more experiential and hands-on course than other classes in the Holistic Shamanic Practitioner Series.

Each month we will work with a relevant seasonal/astrological theme, current community and world events, and practice personal and group Shamanic and Andean healing techniques, ceremonies and rituals that support creating positive transformation and healing, and give you greater spiritual support and empowerment, build your skills and confidence working with Shamanic tools and techniques, while being of service to others and the earth.

We will continue incorporating teachings from the Q'ero Tribe, the Andean traditions, Core Shamanism, and Western Metaphysical teachings to strengthen and support your own personal empowerment, healing, life force and vitality, and forge a deeper connection to our Guides and Helping Spirits, and give you greater confidence and more tools for working with your own clients and groups.

It is a wonderful opportunity to expand your gifts as a Shamanic Practitioner to empower and heal yourself, your ancestral lineages, families and serve your community.

Course teachings and content will include:

  1. Practice Despacho Ceremonies for different themes and purposes and work more deeply with the Mesa; deepen your connection even more with Mother Earth/Pachamama
  2. Work closely with the elements, seasons and astrological calendar to feel more in the flow of earth-based and cosmic energies
  3. Work with various themes to support personal and collective healing such as the Witches/Healer's wound, Sacred feminine/masculine balance, healing the Inner Child, healing the Heart and Grief, working with Death & Dying from a Shamanic perspective and more...
  4. Perform various healing techniques and ceremony to help heal and clear your own Ancestral patterns, hucha, curses, trauma, toxicity, and to help support healthy and harmonious relationships with relatives and Ancestors both alive and in spirit.
  5. Incorporate the beautiful work of safely supporting souls crossing over into the Spirit world at the time of death, through Psychopomp work in areas such as hospitals, nursing homes, animal hospitals, funeral homes, etc. where spirits can often get "stuck."
  6. Learn to help create more positive energy flow in such locations and how to help transmute some of the hucha including grief and pain that can "gather" in these places. We will also discuss/review how to support loved ones getting ready to cross over.
  7. Work with hands-on practices and ways to create protection and energetic boundaries around yourself, your work space and your home, and to cleanse and protect from discordant energy.
  8. Work with Soul Retrieval including the land and for pets/animals to help with trauma recovery, war, construction, tree removal, or other upheavals
  9. Learn more about working with various stone, plant, animal and deity correspondences for various seasonal, lunar and important earth-honoring holidays and events.

Early bird registration by December 1, 2023; save $100 off the registration fee, for $297.
Regular registration after December 1, is $397.

If you wish to pay in full for this 12-month course by December 1, you will just pay the course tuition fee of $2350 and no registration fee. All registration & tuition payments are non-refundable.

Spots limited to 8 students.
Contact Deana to register through email or by phone 203-994-5045. Cost for this advanced program is $2350 (plus the registration fee). (This is not a pay per class option, it is a monthly tuition payment.) If a class is missed, a make-up may be scheduled and the cost is $225 for the private make-up class in addition to monthly tuition.

Full Tuition Payment (no extra registration fee needed):

Early Bird Registration Fee

Monthly Tuition Payment

Monthly Tuition Payment
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